Kategori : Sedia Untuk Dipinjam

daripada 149 laman

Cerahnya Matahari, Lebatnya Hujan

oleh Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Apakah yang kamu lakukan pada hari yang cerah? Apakah yang kamu lakukan pada hari hujan? Buku ini mendedahkan aktiviti menarik yang seseorang boleh lakukan pada hari cerah dan hari hujan. Baca untuk m ...


Cerdik Si Keldai

oleh Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Buku ini adalah sesuai untuk kanak-kanak berumur 4 dan ke atas. Wili, seekor musang yang lapar ternampak Dinki, seekor keldai dan ingin memakannya. Akan tetapi, Dinki sangat cerdik. Dia berpura-pura b ...


Cerita Orang Pahang


Buku cerita orang Pahang menghimpunkan 6 cerita kanak-kanak berkisar kepada warisan rakyat Pahang. Ia menyentuh tentang kepahlawanan,makanan,metos dan tokoh. Gulai Asam Rong dan Sambal Hitam merupaka ...


Cerita Rakyat Sabah : Kukundayo Dengan Monyet

oleh Saindim Sadah

Cerita rakyat termasuk dalam kelompok kesusasteraan tradisional. Kebiasaannya, cerita rakyat berkisar kepada kehidupan sesuatu kaum atau masyarakat meliputi cara hidup dan perkara-perkara yang menjadi ...


Cheepy Hacks Issue 10: How Do You Deal With Empty Toy Capsules?

oleh Eggie Factory

Each book has 10 “What Should You Do”, of which six of them is presented in comics, while the other four is written in story, enabling children to improve their reading ability by reading ...


Cheepy Hacks Issue 1: How Do You Open Stuck Jar lids And Bottle Caps?

oleh Eggie Factory

Each book has 10 “What Should You Do”, of which six of them is presented in comics, while the other four is written in story, enabling children to improve their reading ability by reading ...


Cheepy Hacks Issue 2: How Do You Dry Wet School Shoe?

oleh Eggie Factory

Each book has 10 “What Should You Do”, of which six of them is presented in comics, while the other four is written in story, enabling children to improve their reading ability by reading ...


Cheepy Hacks Issue 3: How Do You Prevent The Toilet Floor Mat From Sliding?

oleh Eggie Factory

Each book has 10 “What Should You Do”, of which six of them is presented in comics, while the other four is written in story, enabling children to improve their reading ability by reading ...


Cheepy Hacks Issue 4: How Do You Remove Chewing Gum From Your Hair?

oleh Eggie Factory

Each book has 10 “What Should You Do”, of which six of them is presented in comics, while the other four is written in story, enabling children to improve their reading ability by reading ...


Cheepy Hacks Issue 5: How Do You Remove A Caterpillar From Your Plant?

oleh Eggie Factory

Each book has 10 “What Should You Do”, of which six of them is presented in comics, while the other four is written in story, enabling children to improve their reading ability by reading ...
