Category : Available Titles

of 149 pages

Miss Princess Hanbok

by Alam Anuar

Satu hari, ketika Ira mengikuti rombongan sekolah di Muzium Negara, Kuala Lumpur. Dia terjumpa lalu mengutip artifak norigae yang merupakan seutas loket rumbai jed putih hiasan yang terjatuh dari paka ...

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Miss Prodigy: Pahlawan Emelda

by Haninay

“Pewaris Zailyrosam akan muncul bersama penjaganya. Fariha, awak harus sentiasa bersedia.” Seorang gadis yang lemah-lembut dan bersopan-santun. Itulah Fariha, gadis bijak yang d ...

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Misteri Adik Yang Hilang

by Wan Amirul Azib Wan Alias, Mohamad Zulfarhan Ahmad Supiee, Fadzilah Zakirah Mohd Ali & Nur Aisyah Abdullah

Misteri Adik yang Hilang merupakan sebuah kumpulan cerpen yang dihasilkan oleh kanak-kanak yang berusia 10-12 tahun di bawah program Bengkel Pembinaan Bakat Tunas Muda. Cerita yan gditulis ini terhas ...

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Mobi, Si Tikus

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Mobi begitu istimewa disebabkan ekornya yang panjang. Namun, ekor yang panjang menyebabkan Mobi menghadapi banyak masalah.

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Molly and the Lost Cows

by Antonio Vincenti

Molly is sad that she cannot play with the other cows—just because she’s made of glass. But when the cows get lost, Molly may be the cow who can save the day ?

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Molly Becomes Famous

by Antonio Vincenti

Molly is going to get famous—just because she’s a glass cow! A TV reporter goes to Molly’s farm to meet her. But is Molly the only animal in the farm—who is going to be famous?

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Molly Goes on Holiday

by Antonio Vincenti

What is a holiday like with Molly the glass cow? Molly goes on a summer holiday with her friend. Will it be a fun-filled summer for them?

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Molly the Glass Cow

by Antonio Vincenti

Molly is a one-of-a-kind cow. What makes her so different from the other cows? She’s made of ?GLASS! Meet Molly the glass cow.

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Money Stuff For Kids Volume 1


This volume is an early introduction to young reader, about the simple definition of money and how people eran it. This is also the chapter for children. This volume will also introduce the basic elem ...

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Money Stuff For Kids Volume 2


This volume will be sequel to financial literary for children that elaborate on the many transaction in our daily lives.It's also introduces the basic concepts of saving, spending and sharing money. I ...

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