Category : Tots & Toddlers

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Pina finds a friend

by Anna Pilotto

Pina is a toy mouse—who is all sad and lonely. Pino, a real mouse meets her. But Pina doesn’t want to tell Pino that she is only a toy mouse. Will a real mouse ever befriend a toy mouse?

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Robby Rabbit's Birthday

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Robby Rabbit has a “colourful” birthday with his friends! They all come bringing him gifts of different colours. Robby makes a birthday wish—that has to do with colours too! Will his wish come t ...

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The Lazy Little Bee

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Little Bee gets tired of working and working. He just wants to have a break—so he cooks up a scheme. He pretends to fall sick just so he does not have to go to work. But will he end up with regret?

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The Little Grey Cloud

by Chiara Dattola

The little grey cloud thinks that nobody likes her because she’s … grey. She looks different from the other white clouds. She begins to think that maybe being grey isn’t all that great. But Beav ...

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Tomi Sakit Gigi

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

Buku ini adalah sesuai untuk kanak-kanak berumur 3 dan ke atas. Tomi Si Tupai berasa sedih. Musim luruh sudah tiba dan Tomi tidak dapat memecahkan buah oak untuk disimpan untuk musim sejuk kerana Tomi ...

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Twinkle, Star, Twinkle!

by Chiara Dattola

The proud little star thinks that she is better than the rest of the other stars. The other stars stay away from her, leaving the sky empty and dull. Will the sky shine with twinkling stars again?

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What to Wear?

by Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd

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Where Can I Stay?

by Francesca Carabelli and Roberto Lauciello

Jack the caterpillar has grown too big for his home. He has to find a new place to stay. He tries different homes to stay in, but none of them fit him at all! Will Jack ever find a home?

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